
Late 65s to Early 70s

Whoo - finally got those aoes!!

From here on, its pretty easy to grab a FS (usually the come around and ask if you need one), join a party, and switch to a fairly empty area of cranes.

Start out with smalls, and slowly make your way to the captains (I skipped normals, due to their element). I stayed until I was 69.

At 66-ish, I realized that my build was too unstructured. At that time of course, it was v7, so I felt the best possible course of action was to go with a STA build. I dunno what kind of build I had at that time - let's just say it wasn't pretty.

So I restatted. I eventually ended up later on with a 131 base STA build (mind you, I think I had 60 INT when I finished restatting, and everything else went into STA before I decided I needed to cap STA). Worked pretty nicely for me.

At 68, I started Sylicas - yay fishies! It's a huge wakeup from cranes, cause damn, they can hit hard. Again, I sticked with the smalls and the captains, just because the normals liked to jump around a lot and make an uneven aoe. >_>

EDIT: Whoops. Forgot about Boos. I got to 70 at fishes, and then moved on to Boos. Boos are GODLY! I pretty much took around 15-20 (now actually, you can take more before they run away), and windfield them like crazy. Stayed until like 73 ish.

I actually skipped carrierbombs and mongs. Yup. You heard me. For one, I just never really thought of mongs. In fact, I forgot about them! xD

I also knew about the option of carrierbombs, but back then, we couldn't remove elements from our suits or weapons. By this time, I was pretty attached to my G. stick (gosh, they're so expensive now) and I didn't want to get another one. So, I moved onto mushpoies.

I liked mushies a lot, although you sometimes have to fight for a decent spot. I usually prefer the spot to just before where the giant spawns. Same thing as with fishies - I just electric shock'd my way to 75.

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