
The Early 60s

I learned that Green sets were the way to go early on - they were coveted, and really, really, REALLY expensive.

That's why I got the full Anoos set - hey, it was cheap for some reason, so yeah.

Big mistake.

I also had a full +3 NPC Elementor set. The difference was immediate in PvP. Dueling against the same person, I died with the Anoos on, and lived with the Elementor set on. So big tip - screw the other sets, get your NPC set; great defense right there.

Forget the smanshy, fancy 45 sets - Elementor set is all you need. Smack a wind +3 on it, and you're good to go.

Anyways, you're going to love playing around with your new skills. For now, you can max out Void and forget the rest. Head over to cranes, and start smashing them. It's slow, but every elementor goes through it. People will stare at your damage in awe, and you'll be proud of
your character.

On another note, Rudy left this comment (<3):

But about the 5x part, 60-65 isnt too good either. I got through that by spamming lv20 Wind Cutter on Cranes. Faster cast-time and 20-40 less damage than lv10 Void. Definitely a tip you should add for upcoming Eles =D

I'd have to agree. 60-65 isn't nearly as bad as 5x, but it's still pretty slow. I never knew about the wind cutter (mine was at a minimum level back then) idea, but that's definitely something you can take into account. :3

The Job Change

It wasn't too long ago that v6 become v7. More over, there were fewer that were elementors.

There's tbuk's guide now, that shows the job change, but way back when, you were on your own. The items weren't easy to find either. I think it took me three to four hours to do the quest, when it takes most people one now.

Anyways, you make the change, and the first you know, is that your skills are freakishly powerful. Like, really. o_o

You'll get used to it after awhile though, and you'll be seeking to increase that damage even more.


The Mage Days

Well, seeing as I knew next to nothing about elementors (and there was nary any information on them), I didn't have much help.

I faintly remember reading somewhere about elementors... If you're doing too little damage, add INT. Dying too much? Add STA.

And so I did.

Basically, I fought mobs 8-11 levels above me. The 5x's were torture. Slow leveling. Just spam your way through refreshers and star candies, and pray that you make it through. I know I spent an inordinate time at drillers; volts hit a bit too hard, and any thing below didn't give enough exp.

When I hit 60, all I could think of was relief.

The Decision

When I first started, I didn't really have any idea of a build. I didn't know FlyFF World... nothing. In fact, I've only played FlyFF for a month or so, starting 4 days into the opening of the Glaphan cluster.

All I knew was that mercenaries were boring, RMs were poor, and mages leveled fast.

So I made a mage. I wanted to float, so I wanted to be a psykeeper, and level the normal way (that is, without Crucio).

However, I got thinking. Elementors had major damage right? Weren't they rare? Why not make a rare class, excel in it, and beat the living daylights out of everyone else?

So, I decided to be an elementor.



Hi, it's Kyh.

Alu asked me to write a ginormous elementor guide, similar to tbuk's.

Except, he wants me to write about what I did, why, etc.

So, I guess I'll make a blog about my elementor. :3