
Levels 75 - 88

Meh. Well.

Before de-elementing was possible, I didn't want to element my brand new 75 set/staff with earth.

I just got two suits, elemented one with wind, and the other with electric (same with staff).

So at 75, I moved onto Watangkas. I mainly sticked with small watangkas all the way to 80, taking about 7-8 at a time. The reason for this was that back then, when we had knockbacks, they really hurt. They also like to crit all at the same time too. >>;

Anyways, after this tedious part... I was 80.

Time to meet your best friends. Trees.

Trees will be your friend. You will love them. And you will kill them. Hundreds. Thousands. TENS OF THOUSANDS. D:<

At this point, I added even more defense by piercing 12% def with a wind suit. Along the way to 87-ish, my Myurian reached +6 for a HP bonus.

You can hit and run, you can tank, w/e. Your RMs will love you at this point (or at least, they did back then), because they can get 4-5% exp an AoE. You can kill them fast, because all you need is windfield. There is one particular spawn of normals that is thick, and is fought for by all elementors.

At first, you'll need food and pills to tank them. By 85-ish, if you're a heavy tanker like me, your RM's heal will pretty much suffice.

You have the choice of staying here till 87 to 90.

At 85/86ish, I started to go to green trillipies if I had a 70+ RM (of course, the level req has since changed) - but unless your RM can make it through all those aggros, I don't suggest it. :/

Although the EXP is better per aoe, I don't suggest green trills at all now. With the ice missile nerf, they would hit a lot more and crit a lot more. Plus, if you're hit and run, there's a good chance that you'll aggro the hazards and then have to run away, etc. I used to blink into the hallway, but now with blinkpool nerfed... well. Yeah.

You'll probably lose more exp there than you'll gain with all the trouble of going to mines.

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